MemberForum Replies Created
AdministratorOctober 11, 2024 at 1:06 am in reply to: Appearance as though in deep sleepI’m sorry it’s taken me so long to reply. I didn’t get a notification of your comment and I haven’t checked. I’m really sorry. I’m also extremely sorry about your sister. I honestly don’t know what to respond. I will ask around for you.
I wear ultra soft ear plugs. I sleep like a baby. I also take melatonin. Start with 1mg tho. Only take what you need. Don’t take more than 5mg.
Don’t worry about it too much. Have patience with yourself. It will get better.
I do sympathize with you. I had a lot of that happening but it gets better with time.
Multitasking is out of the question! If I’m painting a room with someone, it’s very hard for me to have a conversation with a coworker and keep moving at the same time! Haha you’re definitely not alone!
When did did you have your injury?
My memory is horrible. Namely, my short-term memory I had ADD before the accident but it got worse after.
Wow! That’s really something. I wouldn’t drink alcohol if I were you. Have you tried looking into talking to a functional nutritionist or taking CBD drops under your tongue a few times per day? I take Lamictal for seizure.
I had Attention Deficit Disorder before my TBI so my memory and my ability to learn was already impaired but my TBI made them so much worse.My ability to reason had gone to zero. It was like I was always confused. Part of that confusion was due to my emotional issues, however.
So I found out I was having seizures 10 years after I had a brain injury. I remember a few occasions where I could’ve possibly had a seizure. Anyone else?
I love you, Ma. Thank you for your love and support.
Thank you! I’ll do that!!
False alarm, I forgot that I had taken a sleeping pill and it was too strong for me(I took too much).
Many of these services are available through OPWDD
There are many programs on Long Island including, The NY Feinstein/Winetsky Day Center, The New Horizons Day Habilitation Program, RES Home Care, Head Injury Association and more.
Thank you Tom!